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6 Ways To Boost Your Communication Skills In Relationship And Marriage

Good communication is the secret to having a successful relationship or marriage. A relationship at the point of break up is mostly a result of bad communication and a thriving one is just the mere opposite. The fact is that in order for you to build the communication in your relationship you need to develop some skills which will boost the interaction between you and your partner creating a good atmosphere for the relationship to succeed. Every relationship differ in communication, so it's essential for you to understand your spouse make up when it comes to interaction. Achieving this boost in communication life must come from both partners in the relationship not just one side as the common saying it takes two to tangle not just one person. However, before you implement any skills that will boost your relationship a perfect understanding need to be known about what makes up communication. Knowledge of this will make it easy for you to develop the necessary skills needed to boost the communication in your relationship.

So what makes up communication?
Communication is made up of a sender and a receiver that interact in a  verbal or nonverbal manner. As you can see communication is not just about talking a lot you must be patient to receive what your partner is saying by listening. Also, you should not always communicate verbally with your spouse you can use the nonverbal method of communicating and the physical one which you will see later on communication skill boosters. Take note
these boosters are things you should do while communicating with your partner in order to make your interacting life thrive.
Now let's take a look at these communication skills boosters and how it affects your relationship.

1. Open your eyes to observations
Every couple has the way they interact with one another. Observing how your partner communicates is crucial because it will help you to a great extent in interpreting the thoughts and behavior displayed by your partner. Building this skill will make nothing too surprising and complicated for you to handle.

2. Sharpen your attention signals
There is nothing as satisfying than fully given attention. Communicating with your partner while watching TV or pressing the phone is wrong. When your partner wants to talk you should stop doing anything distracting, keep arms open, smile when it's required and maintain eye contact (nonverbal communication). This makes your partner feel very valued and special.

3. Express your emotions properly
If you do not express your emotions in a relationship it can result in a bad emotional outburst as a result of bottled emotions which in turn affect your communication life. Well, it does not mean that you should just pour out your emotions anyhow because that will only create serious problems. It means that before you tell your partner how you feel filter it,  find a better and calm way to express your feeling to your partner because it can affect the outcome of an issue if you do not properly express it well.

4. Avoid walking out 
It's always best for you to stay till the end of an issue than storming out. This might sound not easy because when a serious argument is going on the tendency for you to walk out is always there. But when you stay while your partner is venting out it makes the issue to die down quickly especially when you do not say anything. However, if the emotions are too much for you to handle it's ok to walk out but first say so before doing that. A simple trick to do to avoid walking out is to move your mind from the argument unto something else.

5. Stop interrupting
No one likes being interrupted during a conversation. If you always interrupt your partner from talking you're are just showing your spouse that what they are saying is not important or even relevant. This can make your partner tired of talking to you. Stop interrupting your partner by being patient with them allow them to finish talking before you share your own ideas. 

6. Physically communicate
Physical communication is another nonverbal means of interacting with your partner.   This involves holding hands, gentle touch, rubbing legs, or even lying on your partner's body. Using these skills to communicate with your partner while discussing an issue will make it fun and interesting. Also, it will be easy for thoughts to be shared and emotions to be easily expressed.

Improving your relationship communication life requires commitment and dedication in implementing the necessary skills that will bring the best out of your relationship.



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